Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My first single holiday season in 3 years.....

I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is in just 2 days! This year's holiday season will be quite different for me, my first "single holiday season" in 3 years. Although the thought of not spending gobs of money on presents for a significant other founds FABULOUS (my EX and I always went all-out), I can't help but feel a little "down" about it. One thing I can surely say is that this Thanksgiving I will be more grateful than ever for the family and friends that have supported me for the last few miserable months of healing from my first big breakup. The gratitude I have for them is more than I can express in words and more than enough to keep me optimistic for the 2009 holiday season and 2010! And although I do not have NEW YEARS EVE plans as of yet (AKA no one to kiss at midnight), I know they will fall into place as they are meant to. "The universe sometimes has more interesting plans for us than we have for ourselves ~Laura Dave," right?

And so, my "What I am Thankful For List" starts something like this:

God (for helping me to fall asleep at night when I didn't think it was possible)
Dad (for giving me the sometimes painful true insight into a man's mind)
Megan (for being thankful to have her single friend back and.....for never bringing HIM up)
Lexi (for being there for me from 1,000 miles away, giving me HOPE for the future)
Vicki (for truly giving me a new perspective on life....."Life is full of experiences.")
Nicole (for inviting me to Chicago and spending a fabulous "girls weekend" with me)
Aaron (for taking me out and showing me some of St. Louis' best and most romantic spots)
Cory (for reaching out to me and reminding me of our time-tested friendship)
Misty (for giving me a super cute post-breakup color and cut.....and listening, hehe)
Cousin Ashley (for listening.....and for the beginning of a beautiful friendship <3)
Countless other Aunts, Uncles, and cousins (for support, words of wisdom, and just privacy and time)
MOM (for being YOU)

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~Albert Schweitzer

I'm curious.....for what (or for whom) are you thankful for this Thanksgiving??


  1. Although I'm not american ( I live in Brazil!) I'll join the spirit and say I'm incredibly thankful for my wonderful family,boyfriend,friends, good health, concealer and internet haha!

    Don't worry about NYE. Still a month to go. The world is all possibilities, that's what makes life fun. Love hits you in the face and heart when you least expect it!
