Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dating tip from a pro athlete...hmm...not sure how well received THAT will be

Don't get me wrong now, ladies, he is TOTALLY smoking hot, but are we feeling very confident taking dating advice from pro athletes given the recent 'transgressions' of hottie Wes Welker's fellow sport great (ah-hem, dare I say) Tiger Woods? Let's hear what the Patriot's wide receiver had to say to Cosmo when asked, "What's a piece of dating advice you wish women knew?"

"Call me so you know where I am, follow me to see if I'm doing what I say I'm doing, hire a private investigator...but whatever you do, do not snoop through my email or cell phone!"

Hmmm...very interesting. That's the #1 piece of advice he wished we knew, huh? There was one particular thing that popped in my head when I read this.

So I guess I cannot jump to conclusions and say that Mrs. Woods wouldn't have eventually found out through a different means that her husband was a lying, cheating bastard. However, I can say that the "snooping through his cell phone" method worked for her.

I'm curious...What are your thoughts? Is it OK to go through a boyfriend/husband's cell phone and email if you are suspicious that he's cheating? Have you ever done it? Or do you think that Wes Welker gave some great advice?


  1. Some girls snoop because they are just crazy-insecure. I think it's OK to do it if you feel like you have a reason to--he's acting weird, etc. I've done it once...kinda on accident. When I first started dating my current bf, I was looking at things on his bookshelf and found a small photo album wedge in between two books. What do I find? Pics of him and his ex from a vacation they took together!! It was shocking to see at first, but when I saw that I look MUCH better than her in a bikini, I was totally cool with it :)

  2. Dating advice from pro athletes well I wouldn't take anything they said seriously lol
